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Common varieties of organic pi
Release date: [2014/12/25]  Read total of [876] times

Previous article we have learned there are organic pigments azo pigments, lakes, phthalocyanine pigments, quinacridone pigments few common varieties. Here I will introduce details of this Yujie several common varieties of organic pigments!

1. azo pigments

The molecular structure of water containing azo group (-N = N-) insoluble organic compounds, organic pigments are the largest and most productive varieties of a class. Azo pigment is an aromatic amine or heteroaromatic amine by diazotization of the diazo component obtained then with an aromatic amine acetyl, 2-naphthol, pyrazolone, 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid or 2-hydroxy -3- naphthoyl aromatic amines by coupling coupling component, to form water-insoluble precipitates, i.e., general azo pigments. The synthesis method with the same dyes, but the latter is water-soluble.

Azo pigments generally used for orange, yellow and red pigments such as: Permanent Orange RN (CI Pigment Orange 5), golden red (CI Pigment Red 21), benzidine yellow G (CI Pigment Yellow 12). In order to improve the performance pigments Light, heat resistance, and other organic solvents, aromatic diamine by condensation of two molecules become macromolecules. Such pigment obtained by known macromolecular pigments or condensed azo pigments such as: macromolecules orange 4R (CI Pigment Orange 31), macromolecules red R (CI Pigment Red 166).

2. Lake

Water-soluble dyes (e.g. acid dyes, direct dyes, basic dyes, etc.) generated by the action of a precipitating agent and a water-insoluble pigment. It's more brilliant shade, chromatographic than the whole, low production cost, high light fastness than the original water-soluble dyes.

Precipitant mainly inorganic salt, acid, carriers and the like. Precipitation of inorganic salts are barium chloride, calcium chloride, manganese sulfate, etc. as a precipitating agent to react with the water-soluble dye, to form water-insoluble barium, calcium, manganese salts. Such as: Permanent Red F5R (CI Pigment Red 48: 2), Golden Red C (CI Pigment Red 53: 1). Acid precipitation is the use of phosphoric acid - molybdic acid, phosphoric acid - tungstic acid, tannic acid as a precipitating agent to react with the water-soluble basic dyes generated insoluble lake. Such as: Light pink lake (CI Pigment Violet 1), the incident light Ching Lin (CI Pigment Violet 3). The precipitate is a water-soluble dye carrier deposited on the carrier surface of the aluminum hydroxide, barium sulfate, etc., to form a water-insoluble neutral color lake. Such as: Acidic golden lake (CI Pigment Orange 17), light blue lake Lake (CI Pigment Blue 17).

3. phthalocyanine pigments

Molecules in the body is a phthalocyanine, the formula:

They are water-insoluble organic compounds, mainly blue and green pigments. In 1934, the British Imperial Chemical Industries and Germany and France, respectively, the company produced the first breed ── phthalocyanine blue. Most products contain a divalent metal, such as copper, nickel, iron, manganese, etc., are also replaced by a benzene ring in the molecule other ring or pyrrole ring, in the molecule also introduce other groups, different structures with different properties and uses.

Phthalocyanine pigment predominant species is copper phthalocyanine blue (CI Pigment Blue 15). The main industrial production method is phthalic anhydride with urea (also direct the use of phthalonitrile) in the presence of ammonium molybdate catalyst, the reaction with cuprous chloride and the resulting crude product known as the "copper phthalocyanine." After the paint different treatment methods, get different commodities. Such as crude dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid, and then slowly precipitated in water, can be obtained α crystalline form, which is blue with a red organic pigment; as crude was dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid, and then pass into a small amount chlorine, so that with 1 to 2 chlorine atoms on the molecule, the resulting product shade of green than that without some chlorine; such as the crude product with dry sodium chloride in a ball mill, to obtain the stable β polymorph green product . The crude product was heated in a melt of aluminum chloride and sodium chloride into approximately 220 ° C, chlorine gas, is introduced in the molecule 14 to 16 chlorine atoms, the resulting product is a bright green pigment; such as the introduction of a small amount of bromine , the resulting product is more yellow shade, more vivid.

4. quinacridone pigments

The basic structure of the molecule as quinacridone pigments:

1958 by DuPont began production. Its production method by self-condensation of diethyl succinate through, condensation of aniline, closed-loop, purified, oxidized to obtain the γ crystalline form of a quinacridone pigment. Because of its heat, light, brightness and other properties of phthalocyanine-based pigment rather, it is known commodity phthalocyanine red (CI Pigment Violet 19), in fact, both the molecular structure is completely different. As the oxidation using different conditions, the obtained shade bluer β crystal form quinacridone pigments, phthalocyanine commodity called purple.

In addition to the above species, and some excellent performance varieties. Iso indolinone pigment, Pigment Yellow varieties represented as 2GLT (CI Pigment Yellow 109); benzimidazolone pigments, the representative varieties for Permanent Orange HSL (CI Pigment Orange 36).

Currently, organic pigments worker research is focused on the treated pigment to improve aspects, such as selecting a better crystalline, producing finer and the particle size distribution, narrow particle, improved pigment wetting properties, so that an organic pigment can play a more large utility.

Hangzhou Yujie Chemical Co., Ltd. Main masterbatches, pre disperse dyes, masterbatches and other products, such as our products are interested, please call our hotline: 86-571-85095115!

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